Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hiding your light

Hiding your light

"What I tell you in the dark,speak it in the light;and what ever you hear in the ear,preach on the housetops"Matthew 10:26."Therefore who ever confesses Me before men I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven" .Mathew 10:32-33.

If you deny Jesus by hiding your light and not witnessing to others when prompted by the Holy Spirit because of embarrassment and confrontation,fear of being mocked,judged,ridculed,slandered,or critised,the word says that Jesus will deny you before the God.Many people wonder why they do not have a close relationship with Father God and are blocked from receiving from Him.Could this be the reason why?. If you denied Jesus at one time repent by speaking this words..


Dear God in Jesus name I repent on behalf of myself,my family and my ancestors for hiding my light.I repent that even though we knew you,we denied you before men.I ask that Your light will shine in me greater than before and that people will see that light and I can become a great witness for you.I command all shame,fear,fear of rejection,fear of confrontation,fear of slander and ridicule and all other demons associated with hiding my light to leave me right now and go to the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ Son of the living God

Prosperity is impossible without a seed.

Prosperity is impossible without a seed.

In Zechariah 8:12 the bible says ‘For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

The Seed means many things here:
From a prosperity point of view it represents sowing and reaping physically and seeing crops grow. Fertility is implied and you can believe God for children too, in the spiritual sense – disciples. The seed, ground, vine and heavenly dew are all ingredients for prosperity on an agricultural level.
Increase answers to Inputs. If you want to prosper financially, you must sow financially. If you want people to love you, love them; for life is an echo, what you put in is what you will harvest.
In Galatians 6:7, the bible says life is made in a way that what you sow is what you reap ‘Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap’ I hope God will grant you an understanding of that beautiful line of his word.

If you are friendly, people will be friendly towards you; if you love others, others are bound to love you. If you are kind hearted, people will be kind hearted towards you. Life is made in a way that everyman receives his echo as reward. The question you will ask yourself today is why has God spared your life? Why has God kept you alive? What were you made to accomplish?
God blesses you for His kingdom sake, for the sake of your family members and for the sake of your village; but so many of us are blind to it; so many of us are so selfish. All we want is how to gather more. When you Get what you Can; and Can what you Get; and Sit on the Can; and Guard the Can; you run into a life of struggling, a life of poverty, a life of defeat. Men and brethren, it is not where you are that determines who you are. It is who you are that determines where you are. Exodus 3:21-22
Anybody who wants to command the wealth of God must first obey the commandment of God. We are not of our own; we have been called to serve God. Exodus 25: 2-8. The word ‘take’ means from what God has given you already, take from it.

In short, God testifies that the remnant of his people should abound in all good things, for the heaven would not withhold from them its rain, nor the earth shut up its bowels.

But God ever recalls his people to himself, that they may depend on his blessing; for it would be a cold doctrine were we not persuaded of this -- that the earth is not otherwise fruitful than as God gives it the power of generating and of bringing forth. We ought therefore ever to regard the blessing of God, and to ask of him to supply us with food, and to pray him every day, as we are taught, to give us our daily bread. But few do this from the heart, and hardly one in a hundred so turns his thoughts to God's hand as firmly to believe that he daily receives from him his daily food.



I waited patiently for the Lord to help me ,and he turned to me and heard my cry.He lifted me out of the pit of despair,out of the mud and the mire.He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
Psalms 40: 1-2

Let God meet you where you are in your pit. Remember the more you fight and the more you attempt to do it on your own, the more damaged you will find yourself. Wait patiently and allow him to come in from a different angle and pull you out with as little damage as possible.

Lets pray....

I am so thankful for where the Lord has brought me from. It was Him who reached down into the pit of sin I had made for myself; it was Him who opened His arms and embraced me with His love even though I turned my back on Him time after time and it was Him who set my feet upon the rock and put a new song in my mouth full of thanksgiving and praise. He reached down, pulled me out of that miry clay and saved my weary soul and I want to say thank you Lord! Amen

NASA top scientist researchers discovers the existence of God.

NASA top scientist researchers discovers the existence of God.

According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain.
Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten Commandments and the text of John 3:16 written in 12 languages - including English, Spanish, Chinese, Basque and Hebrew. On the other tablet is a simple message in English reading "I am real."

"This is amazing," says Syms Covington, an Australian researcher working for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. "We went into the cave looking for water, and we found proof of God's existence instead.
"I mean how else did those tablets get there? I can tell you one thing: there's not a single atheist inside NASA's control room now. What we saw was jaw-dropping."
Genesis 1:1
NASA's Curiosity rover arrived on Mars in August of last year with a mission to explore the Martian climate and geology for signs for habitability.

However the tablets, both of which are signed "Peace and Love - Yahweh," represent the rover's most significant find to date, and is perhaps the most important scientific event in history.
"When people find out about this, they will demand change in our society," explains a political scientist at Georgetown University."Democracy will have to give way to theocracy. We're gonna have to build more churches and reintroduce prayer into schools. Abortion is defiantly going to be illegal within a few months."

Despite its potential significance, "But God is real. We have proof. And everyone deserves to hear the truth.

Great Grace

Great Grace

Acts 4:33With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all.

There will be a great grace released to witness of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
Many times we place a high emphasis on our faith, and what we can receive, but your grace and your faith is all about Jesus! Jesus saves! Jesus heals! Jesus delivers! Jesus brings promotion! .

The measure of our obedience both individually and corporately determines His great grace and His great power coming upon us! .

You may feel like you don't deserve it,that your sins have pulled you down too far to receive God's wonderful gift of grace . But that's exactly why God sent Jesus to earth--not to condemn you for your sins,but to fre you from them,inviting you to live with Him forever.

The Grace Prayer 2 Corinthians 13 -"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Healing Power in the name of Jesus

Healing Power in the name of Jesus

Isaiah 53:5
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

1 Peter 2:24
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

All healing comes from God whether it comes supernaturally or through a physician. He is still the source of our healing.It's not by chance, but because we are children of the living God, we have the right to have good heath. Jesus healed everyone that came to Him when He was here on earth.

Out of 35 recorded miracles of Jesus in the gospels, 26 of them involve some form of healing (including raising from the dead and deliverance from evil spirits). At least half involved some form of physical healing. Clearly, Jesus regarded healing to be fundamental to people's needs, and He still does.

Find healing scriptures, healing prayers and healing declarations you can pray and declare over yourself and/or others to receive healing from the Lord. I believe in the power of the spoken word. Say these scriptures, prayers and declarations out loud. Pray them daily in faith and believe that Jesus Christ, our healer, WILL HEAL YOU!

Healing scriptures:Exodus 15:26,Exodus 23:25,Deuteronomy 7:15,Psalm 107:20,Matthew 8:2-3,Matthew 8:17,Luke 4:40,

Command Sickness out of your life:
Father, in Isaiah 53 You said that on the cross Jesus took our infirmities and carried our sorrows. Your Word says that by His wounds we are healed. I am claiming that healing right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and I thank you that my body is healed. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask that by Your power, touch my body and heal me from all forms of sickness and disease. Heal my organs and every tissue in my body so that my body can function in the perfection to which You created it to function. Thank you, Father, and may I bless you and serve you the rest of my life with my renewed health, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our need to Fast:

Our need to Fast:

When we feel hungry or weak or tempted, all of heaven is concerned with our concerns. And heaven attends to us. God’s angels and best of all, God’s Son, offer us strength when we are weak and perseverance when we are tired. And so, as you fast, rejoice that all of heaven watches. And rejoice that all of heaven cares. But most of all, rejoice that the God of heaven loves you.

Combining fasting with prayer can result in spiritual atomic bomb that pulls down spiritual strongholds and release the power of God in your life. Throughout the Old and New Testament and during the last 2000 years fasting was a primary means of humbling oneself before God. Isaiah 58:5, the prophet describes fasting as a 'day to afflict his soul' Psalm 69:10 David says " c
hasten " his soul with fasting. Humility is attitude of the heart Psalms, 51:17. " A broken and contrite heart--these , O God, you will not despise " . God will hear us and respond to our cry when we come before him in humility and brokenness--acknowledging and repenting of our sins , and asking Him to cleanse by the blood of Jesus and to fill us with His Holy Spirit. Fasting brings power, Our Great Lord Jesus set the ministry example by fasting for 40 days after His baptism after which He was able to conquer the world . Matthew 6:2,5,16 says a true believer will give to the needy, pray and fast. Fasting also restores, revives our souls by releasing the Holy Spirit to do the special work of taking us into deeper life in Christ and giving us greater awareness of God's reality and presence in our lives.

 Renews spiritual Vision and Faith. It Inspires determination to follow God's revealed plan for our life.



Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is very dramatic. By openly entering the city where he is a marked man he takes the first step toward the final confrontation.
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!'" (John 12:13).
Jesus made a bold entrance into Jerusalem. This step was taken d
eliberately, with every consideration for the consequences. Prior to this moment, Jesus had refused to allow any public acknowledgement as his being the Messiah and thus avoided intensifying any conflict with the Jewish religious authorities. But, the time was at hand and his opponents fully understood the strong messianic implications of the manner of his entry into Jerusalem. His riding upon a colt, the garments and palm branches in his path and the shouts of the Passover pilgrims all pointed to Jesus as the Messiah.As Jesus road up the steep path from Bethphage over the Mount of Olives, a very large crowd made up of his Galilean followers, those who had witnessed the raising of Lazarus from the dead, and even some Judean supporters, spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road," The crowd shouted "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the King of Israel" (Matthew 21:6-9).
The custom of spreading one's outer garments in the path was reserved for royalty. By shouting "Hosanna" [from Hebrew yasha ("save") + na ("now" or "please") or "save now"], the crowd was pleading for Jesus to save them from Roman oppression and domination;

Present Suffering Weighed with Future Glory"


Present Suffering Weighed with Future Glory"

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18
There is no sharing in Christ’s glory unless there is sharing in His suffering. However, at the same time we must keep clearly in mind we do not contribute to the saving work of Christ Jesus such as the expiati
on, propitiation, reconciliation, and redemption. Only the sinless Substitute could ever accomplish such efficacy. Christ alone redeemed us by His blood.We should also remember the only suffering that fulfills the condition is, "suffering with Christ.” Only those who share in Christ's sufferings now will share in His glory hereafter. In order to share in that glory we must share in His sufferings here and now.Suffering is used of God to purify the believer. Some suffering comes to us from the hand of a loving heavenly Father to produce holiness and spiritual growth in us. God uses suffering to perfect us in the likeness of Christ. God purifies us until He can see the face of Jesus Christ in our lives.Oh, what are the pangs of present separation, in comparison with the joy of future reunion? What the pinchings of poverty now, with the untold riches then? What the suffering, and gloom, and contempt of the present time, with the glory that is to be revealed in us? We can go no further. Tell us, you spirits of just men made perfect, if it be lawful, if it be possible- what the glory that awaits us is! Tell us what it is to be an unclothed spirit- to dwell in the bosom of Jesus to see God- to be perfectly holy- to be supremely happy! Wait, my soul! before long it will be all revealed!
Sufferings are the fingers of God to mold you to His image.
Do you believe this? Do you compromise your faith before the world? Do you try to avoid suffering for Christ? There is one word: Repent!
Do you, in the midst of your sufferings, become bitter and resentful and do you tell God that He made a mistake? There is one word: Repent!
By faith, I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory. How do I know? There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. In Christ we are more than conquerors. In Christ, God says, I have loved you from everlasting. I have given My Son. I have made you rich. Now, God says, I swear, I will glorify you in Christ through all things and one day you shall be where I am and you shall see My glory shining through you. And you will be satisfied. Come, Lord Jesus

April Month Blessings


There will be showers of blessings over my life this In this month of April, the sun shall not smite me by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve me from all evil: he shall preserve my soul.

In this month of April the Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

All spiritual wickedness that tries to come against me this month shall be uprooted , in the name of Jesus.

In this month of April,I refuse to be in the right place at the wrong time, in the name of Jesus.

Dear Lord, I pray in this new month of April that I will yield my spirit completely to You, that You may use me as You please. I pray that You will provide me opportunities to show people how much You mean to me. Give me discretion to know what to say and how to say it. Make me bold enough, that I may proclaim salvation cheerfully and joyfully. I pray that the seeds You allow me to plant this month will grow and mature. I pray that You, Father, will water the seeds that You allow me to plant this month. I am forever grateful for the cross; may I proclaim it in a contagious way this month.

In Jesus name I have prayed Amen.